Monday 29 July 2024


By: Amb. Valentine Adese (JP),

Youths under the aegis of Coalition of Youth Leaders of Plateau State Communities have condemned and shunned the call for a National Protest in Nigeria.

The Youths in a press conference today at the NUJ Press Center, Plateau State, submitted that the call is suspicious as the sponsors are yet to identify themselves.

The Coalition’s press test signed by one Pololis Gyang the youth leader from Rock Haven also said the call is suspicious as the motive behind the protest is not also clear.

The Coalition however, called on the sponsors to engage the government than creating a situation that would lead to loss of lives.

In part, the Coalition stated that, “We under the aegis of the Plateau Communities Youth Leaders Coalition, have convened this press conference to articulate our collective stance on the proposed nationwide protest by yet-to-be identified youth groups across the nation.

“We in Plateau State wish to unequivocally dissociate ourselves from the anticipated protest due to the ambiguous and unclear circumstances surrounding it.

“As responsible youths leaders, within our respective communities, we are deeply committed to the welfare and well-being of our people.

“We pursue these objectives with a foundation of equity and reciprocity, aiming for the peace and development of our communities.

“We recognise the devastating impact of the current hardship, pain and distress our people are enduring.

“Many have lost their sources of livelihood, and some cannot even provide for themselves and their families.

“We empathize with the yearnings and aspirations of our dear people and express our unwavering commitment to finding constructive ways to alleviate their sufferings.

“We cannot feign ignorance or indifferent to the motives behind those calling for the nationwide protest.

“We acknowledge the wide spread hunger, hardship, and uncertainty regarding the state of our economy. However, the suspicious manner in which the protest is being orchestrated raises significant concerns.

“We believe that the right to protest is fundamental and inalienable particularly, in seeking better living conditions for our people. Nonetheless, we remain unconvinced by the motives of the organizers.

“It is impossible for a protest of the proposed scale to be devoid of sponsors, just as it is inconceivable to have smoke without fire.

“Why have the sponsors of the protest remained hidden and unknown and why have they failed to clearly articulate the motive(s)?”           

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