Wednesday 10 July 2024



The attention of the members of the ARGANDO Ruling House, and the Kingmakers of the chieftaincy stool of the Rekna of Bashar and the stakeholders of Bashar Chiefdom has been drawn to a press conference made by persons who purportedly represented themselves as 'Concerned Stakeholders of Bashar Chiefdom' on the 8th day of July 2024, at the NUJ Press Centre, Jos.

Following the said press conference, as read by one Shehu Mujahid Abubakar. We deem it necessary to use this forum to correct the misrepresentations and inaccuracies or falsehood peddled at the said Press conference for the purpose only of putting the records straight for the present and the future. This is in furtherance of the saying that a lie not debunked or corrected can assume the colour of truth.


In this Press conference, we seek to demonstrate that the content of the Press conference addressed by Shehu Mujahid Abubakar, on the 8th day of July 2024, is absolutely false. The first point to note, that these persons who addressed the press conference failed to state or demonstrate in what capacity they claim to be stakeholders of the stool of the Rekna of Bashar. As in matters relating to Chieftaincy stools, only members of the royal family (particularly those who were contestants or candidates at an election) and the Kingmakers can claim to be stakeholders. Regrettably, no paragraph of the statement issued or read at the press conference alluded to the identities of these stakeholders as to entitle them to take objection to the selection and appointment of the Rekna of Bashar, conducted on the 23rd December 2022.

Gentlemen of the Press, you recall that following the death of the Alhaji Adamu Idris the late Rekna of Bashar on the 24 days of September 2022, a new Rekna of Bashar in the person of ALHAJI ABDULLAHI IDRIS, was selected by the Kingmakers following due compliance with the necessary provisions of the law that regulates the selection of the Rekna of Bashar. Upon the completion of the selection exercise, Rt. Hon. Barrister Simon Bako Lalong, the Executive Governor of Plateau State in the exercise of his powers appointed ALHAJI ABDULLAHI IDRIS, as the Rekna Bashar. It is necessary to put in record that sequel to the said election and appointment, HRH ALHAJI ABDULLAHI IDRIS, was duly conferred with the Staff of Office as the Rekna of Bashar Chiefdom on the 5th January 2023.


 It is interesting to note that, there has been no challenge to the selection or appointment of HRH ALHAJI ABDULLAHI IDRIS, as the Rekna of Bashar. There is presently no pending suit filed by any aggrieved person(s) not even Shehu Mujahid Abubakar, who addressed the press on the 8th Day of July 2024, on the said subject matter. The Rekna of Bashar has received wide acceptability since his ascension to the stool of his forebears, without any rancour by the Ruling Houses, kingmakers or the community in general.

Permit us to state in response to the specific claims of those 'unnamed stakeholders' who addressed the Press on the 8th day of July 2024, as contained in their Press Statement as follows, that:

i) The selection of HRH Alhaji Abdullahi Idris, as the Rekna of Bashar, is in tandem with the customs of the Bashar people. HRH AIhaji Abdullahi Idris is undoubtedly a member of the Ruling House of Bashar, and his selection was through a proper selection process by the kingmakers. ALHAJI ABDULLAHI IDRIS, ascension to the throne derives his legitimacy from the fact that he is a member of the Ruling House of Bashar Chiefdom, as demonstrated by the fact that the past Reknas of Bashar are members of the same Ruling family as HRH ALHAJI ABDULLAHI IDRIS.

ii) The selection exercise of 23rd December 2022, of ALHAJI ABDULLAHI IDRIS as the Rekna of Bashar was conducted in accordance with regulations and Customary practice governing the selection of the Rekna of Bashar.

(iii) The Petitioners contended that there were irregularities introduced by former Local Government Chairman, but failed to identify what these irregularities were, as to vitiate the selection exercise. It is inconceivable that the press conference of 8th July 2024, complained of a committee visit on 26th November 2022, to Bashar town to brief the Kingmakers on the selection process as an irregularity. How do the Petitioners expect the Committee to conduct a selection process, without having interaction with the Kingmakers to brief them on the procedure or the rules of engagement for the selection exercise?

(iv) We have had the opportunity to interact with the Kingmakers to the stool of the Rekna of Bashar, and the assertion that the Chairman of Wase Local Government Area, Dr. Ado Abubakar Buba bypassed protocol by inviting the kingmakers, is clearly not correct. The claim that the Kingmakers were put under pressure by the former Chairman is unsubstantiated. None of the kingmakers who participated in the selection exercise, and voted has challenged the selection. What then form the basis for persons who describe themselves as stakeholders to speak the revered kingmakers of Bashar Chiefdom in the discharge and performance of their traditional duties?


 (V) The Petitioners alleged that the date for the selection exercise was manipulated from the 2nd to the 13th of December 2022. We have it on record that the selection exercise that took place on the 23rd December 2022, was not postponed to that date due to any interference by the former Chairman of the Local Government Council. Besides, none of the Kingmakers who were entitled to complain ever complained of any alleged manipulation. The purported stakeholders did not state how the Chairman interfered with the selection process.

(Vi) The Petitioners alleged that four of the five kingmakers were abducted on the 16th day of December 2022 by the former 'Chairman and his associates presumably to influence the selection’s outcome.' Quite apart from the fact that there is no justifiable basis for this allegation, it is a criminal offence which is clearly defamatory of Alhaji Ado Buba. We make a clarion on the security agencies to swing into action and investigate the allegation with a view to prosecuting the authors of the press statement.

(Vii) The Petitioners reiterated their allegation of abduction of kingmakers and asserted that the selection exercise of 23rd December 2022, was under duress. Once again, none of the stakeholders identified themselves as a kingmaker or candidate at the selection. The alleged stakeholders ignorantly made reference to the violation of their right of fair hearing. The alleged stakeholders failed to show what fair hearing and in respect of what is this imaginary breach of fair hearing claimed to have been violated. Who are these 'persons' whose right to fair hearing is alleged to have been violated? Strange enough not a single person is identified as to have complained of violation of his right to fair hearing. The authors of the press statement also failed to state how the former chairman participated in the process or exerted undue political process. Once again, none of the kingmakers have challenged the selection process in any court known to law.

(viii) The authors also made reference to the complaint they purportedly forwarded to former Governor Simon Bako Lalong. None of the undersigned or anyone of us is privy to the alleged correspondence. We however wish to state that the allegation of political affiliation of the Rekna of Bashar is false.

(ix) The authors of the press statement also alleged that Alhaji Abdullahi Idris is in the employment of the Federal Government. This allegation as in others is a fabricated imagination of the authors. We are aware that the Rekna of Bashar only holds the stool of the Rekna of Bashar, and is not in the employment of the Federal Government.

Gentlemen of the Press, the allegations by the authors are bereft of any substance. For added measure, we have in our midst all the kingmakers, who participated in the selection and are not aggrieved by the selection process. You may wish to hear from them personally.

It may also interest members of the Press that the authors of the Press statement in paragraph 2 thereof seemed to be addressed to the Committee on complaints arising from the Creation/Upgrade of Chiefdoms, Districts and Village Areas in Plateau State. We are aware that some names in the purported Petition to the Committee on complaints arising from the Creation/Upgrade of Chiefdoms, Districts and Village Areas in Plateau State, have disowned the Petition to the Committee, have also disowned their signatures on the purported Petition, and have written to the Committee alleging the falsification of their signatures.

In the light of the foregoing, we make this appeal to the Committee on complaints arising from the Creation/Upgrade of Chiefdoms, Districts and Village Areas in Plateau State, to cause an investigation to be conducted on the falsity or otherwise of the signatures appearing in the Petition. We also appeal to the Police to also investigate the persons behind the falsification of the signatures in the Petition to the Committee and prosecute same appropriately.

On a final note, we thank the press for giving us this opportunity to put things in proper perspective, as it concerns the stool of the Rekna of Bashar Chiefdom.



1, Dr, Zakari Mohammed

(Dallatun Bashar/Chairman BACODA)


1AIh. Ali Nuhu


(Madakin Bashar)

2. Alh. AbdullahiJ. Yusuf

(Sarkin Yaman Bashar)

3. Alh. Yahaya Aliyu

(Chief Imam of Bashar)

4 Alh. Abdullahi Dalhatu

(Masun Bashar)

5. Alh. Adamu Ibrahim

(Kuyambanan Bashar)


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